Über den Händler

Before the digital area, the term “refurbishment” was mostly related to the housing or car industry. Nowadays, this term is showing up in more markets. Consciousness for a sustainable economy, belief in a circular economy, and the non-negligible price difference versus new goods are the vast drivers for these segments. Within this mindset, Back2Buzz envisions to become a European key player in High Grade refurbished high-end smartphones and green accessories. It envisions to be the preferred supplier of corporates wishing to reduce their ecological footprint throughout the circular economy. Next to having developed a successful privileged distribution network of sound partnerships in Europe it envisions to enter emerging countries. Ecological footprint: Back2Buzz believes that the refurbishment of smartphones can reduce the electronic waste mountain and re-use dozens of minerals needed to fabricate a smartphone. By refurbishing smartphones, Back2Buzz easily extends the life cycle of these devices by another 2 to 3 years before getting recycled. Next to that, Back2Buzz launched an entire range of eco-friendly accessories some of them even entirely bio-degradable. ​


Company name: BACK2BUZZ SRL
Display name: BACK2BUZZ
Street: Place A. Favresse,47
Post code: 1310
City: La HULPE
Country: Belgium

Telefonummer: +32499744959

UID: BE0648879916
Firmenbuchnummer: 0648879916

LUCID: DE1593200411588
German Batteries Number: DE63433320

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